
2014-07-03   文章来源:中国脊柱侧凸年会    点击量:1165 我要说


  长期以来,如何选择退行性脊柱侧凸的融合范围仍然没有公认的原则,存在很大的争议[1-4]。多数学者认为理想的近端融合椎应在冠状面及矢状面上均保持稳定、中立水平,也有一些研究表明胸腰段为脊柱力学转折点,生物力学上处于不稳,有较高的融合失败率,不予推荐[2-5]。远端融合椎选择L5还是S1是争议最大的问题,融合至L5可以减少手术时间,降低手术风险,保留腰骶部的活动功能,降低假关节的发生率,降低内固定相关并发症,但是会导致L5/S1椎间盘退变加速;融合至S1可以减少L5椎弓根钉拔出、松动的发生率,防止脊柱滑脱,消除L5/S1继发退变,但是手术时间常,出血量多,术后感染发生率高,L5/S1假关节发生率高,还会引起骶髂关节退变及步态改变[2, 6-10]。矢状面平衡与成人脊柱畸形疗效密切相关,但是,冠状面的平衡对其影响尚不明确[11],邱勇等[12, 13]提出了冠状面分型系统及相应的截骨方式,不仅得到了更好的冠状面平衡,还使外观得到满意的改善。因此,在选择手术方案时,对于上、下融合端椎我们究竟该如何选择,恢复矢状面平衡时是否也要考虑到冠状面的平衡问题呢?
[1]. Kim, J.H., S.S. Kim and S.I.Suk, Incidence of proximal adjacent failure in adult lumbar deformitycorrection based on proximal fusion level. Asian Spine J, 2007. 1(1): p. 19-26.
[2]. Kim, Y.J., et al., Is the T9,T11, or L1 the more reliable proximal level after adult lumbar or lumbosacralinstrumented fusion to L5 or S1? Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2007. 32(24): p.2653-61.
[3]. Cho, K., et al., Selection ofproximal fusion level for adult degenerative lumbar scoliosis. European SpineJournal, 2013. 22(2): p. 394-401.
[4]. Shufflebarger, H., S.I. Suk andS. Mardjetko, Debate: determining the upper instrumented vertebra in themanagement of adult degenerative scoliosis: stopping at T10 versus L1. Spine(Phila Pa 1976), 2006. 31(19 Suppl): p. S185-94.
[5]. 范建平,杨长伟与李明, 成人退变性脊柱侧凸的研究现状. 中国骨与关节外科, 2013(06): 第547-550页.
[6]. Edwards, C.N., et al., Longadult deformity fusions to L5 and the sacrum. A matched cohort analysis. Spine(Phila Pa 1976), 2004. 29(18): p. 1996-2005.
[7]. Tsuchiya, K., et al., Minimum5-year analysis of L5-S1 fusion using sacropelvic fixation (bilateral S1 and iliac screws) for spinal deformity. Spine(Phila Pa 1976), 2006. 31(3): p. 303-8.
[8]. Cho, K., et al., Arthrodesis toL5 versus S1 in long instrumentation and fusion for degenerative lumbarscoliosis. European Spine Journal, 2009. 18(4): p. 531-537.
[9]. Kim, Y.J., et al., An analysisof sagittal spinal alignment following long adult lumbar instrumentation andfusion to L5 or S1: can we predict ideal lumbar lordosis? Spine (Phila Pa1976), 2006. 31(20): p. 2343-52.
[10]. Weistroffer, J.K., et al.,Complications in long fusions to the sacrum for adult scoliosis: minimumfive-year analysis of fifty patients. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2008. 33(13): p.1478-83.
[11]. Daubs, M.D., et al., DoesCorrection of Preoperative Coronal Imbalance Make a Difference in Outcomes ofAdult Patients With Deformity? Spine, 2013. 38(6): p. 476-483.
[12]. 邱勇,退变性脊柱侧凸的分型与治疗. 中国骨与关节杂志, 2013(10): 第541-545页.
[13]. 邱勇等,退变性腰椎侧凸的冠状面失衡分型及对截骨矫形术式选择的意义. 中华骨科杂志, 2009(5): 第418-423页.

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