Diffuse pulmonary metastases with negative 18FDG positron emission tomography/computed tomography and positive post-radioiodine therapy scan of papillary thyroid cancer

第一作者:LIN Yan-song

2012-08-17 点击量:730   我要说

LIN Yan-song, LIANG Zhi-yong, QIU Li-heng , CHENG Xin


A female papillary thyroid cancer patient with diffuse micronodular pulmonary metastases was confirmed only by post radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy whole body scan (RxWBS). Her diagnostic iodine-131 whole body scan (DxWBS), chest CT and 18FDG PET/CT scan were all negative. Attention and pitfalls of this case concerning surgical and RAI dose management are against current international guidelines on thyroid cancer.
